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[미드] 프렌즈 시즌1 - 17화 표현

by 고양이 고씨 2024. 5. 6.




Hi, Uh, my friend here was taking down our Christmas lights, and she fell off the balcony and may have broken her foot or ankle or something.
There's not much we can do.
Um.. unless I use yours.
우리가 할 수 있는 일은 많지 않아.
Might as well just go home.
~하는 게 좋겠어
I'm on this field, and they hike me the baby.
(미식축구용어)공을 가랑이 사이로 넣어 뒤로 패스하다
I know I've gotta do something 'cause the Tampa Bay defence is coming right at me.
바로 ~에게 달려들다
so I'm thinking they can take us.
상대하다, 감당하다, 경쟁하다
I just heave it down field.
힘주어 당기다, 힘껏 던지다
Oh man, What re the odds of that happening?
If you tried something like that on my birthday, you'd be staring at the business end of a hissy fit.
(도구, 무기 등) 주된 기능을 하는 끝부분
심술, 심통
you add a pinch of saffron.
아주 조금
so, he aid it was just a sprain, and that was it.
삐다, 접지르다, 염좌
you left out the stupid part.
제외하다, 빼먹다
It's like returning to the scene of the crime.
I say we blow off the dates.
~라고 말하는거야
바람맞히다, 취소하다
You scared the crap outta me.
놀래켜서 똥 나올뻔 했잖아.
I got a lemon schmush.
묵사발이 된, 부딪혀서 뭉개진 (smash+crush)
Well maybe we can make a 'B' out of one of those roses.
~를 이용하여 ~를 만들다
This was not at all scary.
전혀 무섭지 않았어.
I wouldn't mind having a  piece of the sun-dried tomato business.
사업을 하다
Your mother really did the work.
너희 엄마가 정말 고생했어.
I guess it musta(must have) been the day after you were born.
~임에 틀림없다.
Look at this, it's from the cellars of Ernest and Tova Borgnine, so how could we resist?
포도주 저장소
STAT! (=short turn around time)
곧, 즉시
Would you stop being such a wuss?
Go like this.
이렇게 하자.
just becuase you get so uptight every time we...
깐깐하게 굴다
What do you do?
직업이 뭐야?
mostly because I get to boss people around, which I just love to do.
부려먹다, 지시해서 힘들게 하다
I am so spoiled... That's it.
버릇없는, 싸가지없는, 응석받이의
I use my breasts to get other people's attention.
주목을 끌다
there's something that I've been meaning to tell you...
~하려고 했다
His father tired to put you out of business!
사업에서 쫓아내다
I't the woman from the hosptial admissions office.
let me just change.
옷 갈아입을게
Your sister stood me up the other night.
바람맞히다(=blow off)
지난 밤
he's really nutsy about you.
~에 정신팔린, 맛이 간, 정상이 아닌
You just called a little while ago about needing a singnature on the admissions form.
조금 전에
you know your insurance will cover that.
What's up with the simian?
You've got to help me my monkey swallowed a 'K'!
~해야만 한다
you don't understand the animal hospital is way across town he's choking I don't know aht else to do. Please have a heart!
도시에서 멀리 떨어져있다
I will take a look at him.
~을 살펴보다.

