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[미드] 프렌즈 시즌1 - 18화 표현

by 고양이 고씨 2024. 5. 13.


Uh, we're running low on resumes over here.
~가 떨어지다, 고갈되다

I'm going for anything here, OK? I cannot be a waitress anymore.
OK, I don't need them. I'm going for fours.
선호하다, 찬성하다

I mean it.

I'm sick of the lousy tips, I'm sick of being called 'Excuse me'.

Did you proofread these?
교정하다, 검토하다

Do you think it's on all of them?
~에 기재되어 있다 (오타가 모든 이력서에 기재되어있는지를 묻는 문장)

I'm sure the Xerox machine caught a few.
복사기 머신이 종이를 씹었을거야

Can I get you anything?
뭘 가져다 드릴까요? (주문을 받을 때 사용)

We have scones left.
스콘이 있어요

It's just - I want someone who does something for me, y'know? Who gets my heart pounding, who makes me, uh...

little playthings with yarn?

Could you want her more?
아직도 미련이 남아있어? (레이첼을 짝사랑하는 로스에게 챈들러가 하는 말)

I am totally over her.

Well, how come you guys have never played poker with us?
어떻게, 대체

No, women are welcome to play.
~하는 것은 환영이야

There just don't happen to be any women in our games.
we just don't happen to know any women that know how to play poker.
~가 있지 않았어

Oh, please, that is such a lame excuse!
서툰 변명

Ok, so now we draw cards.

I wouldn't need any, right? Cause I have a straight.
연속적인 숫자

I just need two.. the, um ten of spades and the six of clubs.
스페이드10이랑 클로버5이 필요해

It's gotta be like chips, or dips, or pretz,...
You gotta listen to every word she says.
We gotta settle.
have got to, have to
정산하다, 정착하다

High stakes, big bucks.
높은 판돈, 큰 수익

I'm ready, so, just deal.
판돈을 걸다

I was bluffing.
허세를 부리다

OK, sorry to break up this party, but I've got resumes to fax before work tomorrow...
판을 깨다

You owe us money for the game.

Well that's fine with me. Could use the money.
~을 한다면

So basically, you get your ya-yas by taking money from all of your friends.

You have to put them together yourself, but they cost a little less.

I play to win, alright? In order for me to win, other people have to lose.
내가 이기기 위해서

Oh did you get that from the 'I Love Rachel' pizzeria?
- You still on that?
여전히 거기에 집착하니? 계속 그럴거니?

Oh, come on. What was with that whole Black Vart speech? When I play poker, I'm not a nice guy!
- You are way off, pal.
너무 멀리갔어

See, I might've had feelings for her at one time - not any more.
~했었을지도 몰라 [마이르]

Where are you going with that disc?
디스크를 가지고

You are not putting that on again!
켜다 (Marcel에게 버튼을 누르지 말라고 하는 장면)

Oh, hello, kettle? This is Monica. You're black.
주전자 (The pot calls the kettle black: 냄비가 주전자보고 검다고 하다)

I beg to differ.
내 생각은 달라

I was gesturing, and the plate slipped out of my hand.
~에서 미끄러지다

Oh! I would be shopping for a living!
~할 수 있을 거야

Um, ok,... the fifth dentist caved and now they're all recommending Trident?
굴복하다, 양보하다

We have the same taste in clothes.

But I think we'd like to give poker another try.

No, thats OK. Y'know, I think I'm gonna give it a go.

Monica, you owe $10, and Rachel, you owe fiften big ones.
(강조의 표시) 15달러나 빚졌어

This way I can break them up with a movie.
~으로 ~을 부셔버리다

I have to win money to exert my power over women.
행사하다, 애쓰다, 휘두르다

We will take every last dime you have, and you will hate yourselves forever.

Kinda stepped on my point there, Mon.
짓밟다, 발로 뭉개다

So, you gals wanna had over you money now? That way, we don't have to go through the formality of actually playing.
그렇게 하면

Ok, we done with the chit-chat?
~을 끝내다

I'll just have a Tic-Tac to hold me over.
기다리다, 미루다, 연기하다 (배고픈 조이가 피자를 시키려고 하자 레이첼이 나중에 시키라고 했을 때 조이가 한 말)

Alright, Cincinnati, no blinds, everybody ante.
게임을 시작하면서 의무적으로 내는 판돈(참가금)

Your fly is open, Geller.
지퍼, 단추 잠그는 부분

Well, you better hop outta the shower, cause I gotta flush.
~에서 나오다
변기를 내리다, 포커의 플러쉬(똑같은 무늬가 5개)

Well, well, well, hop back in bucko, cause I got four sixes!
젊은 친구

I couldn't be inner, Monica?
참가하는 사람

I fold like a cheap hooker who got hit in the stomach by a fat guy with sores on his face.
빨갛게 난 상처

Couldn't be more out.
더할 나위 없다

I will se you... and I will raise you.
판돈을 올리다

Your whole face is getting red... little veins popping out on your temple...

Don't be silly.
애써 수고하지마세요.

If anything else opens up, plea- hello?
다른 일자리가 생기면

Hey, come on! I thought that 'once the cards were dealt, I'm not a nice guy.' I mean, what, were you just full of it?
말만 번지르르하게 하다

You got me.
너가 이겼어

Y'know, that's a tough hand to beat.

Oh, time's up!
시간 다됐어

The unbearable lightness of Being!
참을 수 없는 존재의 가벼움

