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[미드] 프렌즈 시즌1 - 19화 표현

by 고양이 고씨 2024. 5. 19.


Oh, cool! Free sample of coffee.
Oh good! ‘Cause where else would we get any?
그걸 어디서 가져올 수 있겠어? (카페에 근무하는 레이첼이 샘플 얻었다고 좋아하는 대목에서)

Well, I see he’s finally mastered the difference between ‘bring me the’ and ‘pee in the’.
정복하다, 장악하다

Forget relationships! I’m done with men!
~은 끝이다

The whole, uh, penis embargo.
금지, 봉쇄, 억제

Someone who’s like your best friend, but then also can make your toes curl?
발가락을 움츠려들게 하다

Gets interrupted.
방해를 받다


Total chick-flick.

I don’t need violence to enjoy a movie. Just so long as there’s a little nudity.
~하기만 하면

I don’t need to see Lou Grant frolicking.
즐겁게 뛰놀다(frolic)

Oh, hang on. Does Aunt Monica get a say in this?
이 건에 대해 한마디 해도 될까?

oh, unclench.
펴다, 비틀어열다 (여기서는 걱정 붙들어 매! 라는 뜻)

I’m like in disbelief.
믿기지 않는, 불신하는

Anyway, I figured after work I’d go pick up a bottle of wine, go over there and, uh, try to woo her.
구애하다, 간청하다

Little engagement gift. I’m sure you didn’t register for that.
~에 관해 견해를 밝히다, 생각을 말하다

Roll him over!
뒤집어 굴리다

Oh, those little clunky Amish things you think go with everything.
~와 어울리다

Okay, it’s his first time out.

so he’s probably gonna wanna do some of the touristy things.
관광같은 것

Okay, we’ll start with the building.
~로 시작하다

okay, he’s a black capuchian monkey with a white face… with Fussian dressing and pickles on the side.
반찬으로, 부업으로, 비밀스럽게

How did it go today?
오늘하루 어땠어?

We could do that, but before we head off to the murder captial of the North-East, I was kinda wanting to run something by you.
~으로 향하다
~에게 무언가를 묻다, 제안하다, 보여주다

I shouldn’t’ve asked you to start off with a monkey. I should’ve started you off with like a pen or a pencil.

Marcel is an illegal exotic animal.
불법 외래 동물

Oh, is that who the monkey’s named after?
~의 이름을 따다

Are you aware that possession of an illegal exotic is punishable by up to two years in prison and confiscation of the animal?

You remember how we talked about saying things quietly to yourself first?
Yes, but there isn’t always time!
항상 시간이 있는 것은 아니야

I’m sure there’s some friendly way to reconcile this!
중재하다, 화해하다

Be that as it may, do you think you could just help us out here on that monkey thing?
그건 그렇다고 치고

Y’know, just for old times’ sake?
옛정을 생각해서

We may not know anything about radiators per se.
그 자체로서

We do have a certain amount of expertise in the heathing and cooling mileu.
분위기, 환경

Aren’t we kind of in the middle of something here?
한창 ~하는 중인

He’s about yea high.
이정도의 크기야 (몸짓으로 크기를 나타내면서)

Okay, from now on, you don’t get to talk to other people.
너는 ~하지마

Something just brushed up against my right leg.
스쳐지나가다, 붓질하다

Step aside, ladies!

Just a small transquiliser.
마취제, 진정제

We’ve been all over the neighbourhood.
우리는 온 동네를 다녔어

Y’know, now that you kicked the sign, hey! I don’t miss Marcel any more!
이제 ~했으니

Oh, this is just vintage Rachel.
항상 그런식의

You’re off in Rachel-land, doing your Rachel-thing, totally oblivious to people’s monekys or to people’s feelings..
~에 관심이 없는, 감지하지 못하는

This is so intense. One side of my butt is totally asleep, and the other side has no idea.


What’ve you done to him?
그에게 무슨 짓을 한거야?

You’re both gonna have to take this up with the judge.
~와 이야기하다

Just the dress is mine, you can send that back whenever.

It’ll be nice to get this off finally, won’t it? Or we can leave it on for now.
(원숭이가 옷을 입은 것을 벗겨주면서) 입게 냅두다

You in the mood for something grape?
~할 기분이다
포도로 만든 무엇

Well, so long as we’re here and not on the subject, I was thinkg about how mad we got at each other before.
별다른 문제도 없고

We have got to start locking that door!
~해야만 한다

Eh, I thought that was an alps.

Yeah, well I went to boarding school with four hundred boys.

Any sex I had would’ve involoved a major lifestyle choice.
인생의 중요한 기로


*도움받은 콘텐츠

