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[미드] 프렌즈 시즌1 - 20화 표현

by 고양이 고씨 2024. 5. 27.


I would much rather be Mr.Peanut than Mr.Salty.
차라리 ~가 낫다

You don't wanna mess with corn nuts.
~를 방해하다, 얽혀들다

You gotta come see this! There's some creep out there with a telescope!
보기 싫은 사람

He's looking right at us.
그가 우리를 똑바로 보고 있어

I am telling you, years from now, schoolchildren will study it as one of the greatest first dates of all times.
앞으로 몇년 후에

Let her dangle.

Which, by the way, is the real San Francisco treat.

I got her machine.
자동 응답기가 받네

No, interestingly enough her leaf blower picked up.

Last time I left a spontaneous message I ended up using the phrase "Yes indeedy-o."
결국 ~하다

Don't eveybody look at once!
동시에 쳐다보지 마

Does he look like he was just told to shove anything?
떠밀다, 밀치다, 아무렇게나 놓다

And basically, that's how a bill becomes a law.
~한 이유이다

He took me to lunch at the Russian Tea Room.
점심 먹다

I had that chicken, where you poke it and all the butter squirts out...
밖으로 찍 뿌리다

Then we took a walk down to Bendall's and I told him not to, but he got me a little bottle of Channel...
그에게 그러지 말라고 하다
그가 나에게 무언가를 사주다

we never actually got to that...
거기까지 가지도 못했어 (로스가 더이상 연락하지 말라고 말한 후인지, 전인지를 묻는 말에 대한 대답)

I have my reasons.
내 나름대로의 이유가 있어

I will just put an end to it!
이것에 대해서 끝낼거야

It was never like that.
전에는 이렇지 않았어

Give me a call when you get a chance.
시간이 되면

I've been honing!
연마하다, 갈고닦다(hone)

Great, now he's waving back.
답례로 손을 흔들다

I caught him looking into our apartemet. It creeps me out!

Yeah, toast, oatmeal... nothing that spatters.
물, 기름 등이 튀는 것

Oh, way better than Mindy.
훨씬 더 좋은

I will just break it off with her.
~와 헤어지다

Bobby Rush is there for his adjustment.

Come on, this is all way too..
너무 지나치다

When I went there on what would have been our honeymoon, it was really nice. You would've liked it.
~였었을텐데(이루어지지 않은 과거사실에 대한 추측)

I think we're starting to see some real progress here.
보이기 시작하다
진전, 좋은 방향

Yeah.. uh, but for future reference, that thing in your hand can also be used as a phone.
참고로 말하면

Now I'm needy and snubbed.
무시당한, 모욕당한

Rach, how come you have dental floss in your hair?

I said that a little too loudly.
다소 너무

There's history there.
사연이 있어

I could slide over.
옆으로 비키다

It's apples and oranges.
(관용어구) 완전히 달라서 서로 비교할 수 없다

I have a jam packed schedule.
팍팍한 스케줄

I am late for keeping up with it.
따라잡다, 뒤처지지 않다

but if you want, you can come by.
잠깐 들르다

I figured that's where you would be.
~라고 생각하다

The peeper's back!
엿보는 사람

Get down.

Thanks, but I gotta go to work and get my eyes scratched out by Mindy.
눈을 할퀴게 하다

I mean, what else is it about?
달리 무엇에 관한 거겠어? (민디와 오랫동안 연락을 안하다가 민디가 연락한 이유가 이거 밖에 더있냐 라는 뜻)

Oh, hold up, I will walk out with you.
멈춰봐, 잠시만

She's on the other line.
통화 중인

That's why I am dancing...
~하는 이유이다

'cause she's all bitter now that she lost the weight and it turns out she doesn't have a pretty face.

Okay, I am just gonna ask you this once, and I want a straight answer.
솔직한 답변

He came home smelling like Channel...
냄새를 풍기면서

Mindy, if it will make you feel any better, when I was engaged to him he went through a whole weird thing too.

When Barry was engaged to you, he and I had a little thing on the side.

Just pointing out the irony.

I went across the street and talked to the doorman- I got the peeper's name!
길을 건너다

Yeah, the number for a Sidney Marks, pelase.
~의 번호

Yeah, is Sidney there? Oh this is?
시드니 있나요? 아 너야?

I live across the street.
길 건너편에

If I wanna walk around my apartment in my underwear, I shouldn't have to feel like-
속옷만 입고

Mostly free weights, but occasionally..

Yeah, the brunette.. She says you looked very pretty the other day in the green dress.
녹색 옷을 입은

Got a second?
시간 있어?

I was week, I couldn't help myself!
어쩔 수 없었어

Even when we were having sex in that chair?
심지어 ~할 때

I was always thinking of you.

If I am hogging the ball too much you just jump right in there and take a couple punches because I'm telling you, this feels great.

I know he's not perfect, but the truth is, at the end of the day, I still really wanna be Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber.

Y'know, ever since I ran out on Barry at the wedding, I have wondered wheter I made the right choice.
~로부터 도망치다

I mean he's got the monocle, he's got the top hat...

I've been calling you, but it turns out I had your number wrong.
~임이 밝혀지다

And when I finally got the right one from Infromation, there was no answer.

So I thought I'd just come down here, and make sure you were okay.
여기로 오다
너가 괜찮은지(잘 있는지)

Listen, uh, maybe we could get together later?

Well, she seems very nice and everything, but that whole thing about her coming all the way down here, just to see if I was okay?
~에 관한 사실


