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[미드] 프렌즈 시즌1 - 23화 표현

by 고양이 고씨 2024. 6. 27.

I'm gonna be in the waiting room, handing out cigars.
전달하다, 나눠주다

Joey's made arrangements to have his baby in a moive from the 50's.

She could be giving birth in the cab.

It's probably like two dollars for the first contraction, and then fifty cents for each additional contraction.
진통, 수축

You have to pick your moments.
때를 기다리다, 선택하다

I just thought we might be here for awhile. You know, things might get musical.
뮤지컬을 요구하다

I was looking at stuffed animals, and Susan wanted a Chunky.

Each one is like a little party in my uterus.

I will be right back.
바로 돌아올게

I do not believe we've met.
우리 초면이네

I'm your roommate's... brother's... ex-wife's obstetrician.
산부인과 의사

I got an early day tomorrow.
나 내일 일찍 일어나야 해

It's a rebuiliding year.
팀을 리빌딩하는 해야

Right this way.
이쪽으로 와

All the other pregnant women seem to be going in here.
~인 것 같다

When we're 40, if neither one of us are married, what do you say you and I get together and have one?
~는 어떻게 생각해

I just meant hypothetically.

This parachute is a knapsack!
이 패러슈트는 배낭이야 (=설상가상이네)

Ooh, look at you, dressy-dress.
잘 차려입은

Has Dr.Franzblau been by?
~에 들르다

What is the deal with you and doctor, anyway? Was, like, your father a doctor?
~는 무슨일이야

We've been through this.
우리는 끝났어.

She is not much of a phone person.
~에 서툴다

Am I interested in your views on fatherhood?
~에 관한 견해

They let the players run the team.
선수들이 제멋대로야

We never landed on Jordie.
~에 정착하다

We just passed by it during the whole Jessy, Cody, Dylan fiasco.
실수, 낭패

Ow, ow, leg cramp.
다리에 쥐가나다

Carol never threw me out of a room before you came along.

There are children coming into the world in this very building and your negative fighting noises are not the first thing they should be hearing.
바로 이 빌딩에서

Ok, everyone stand back.
다들 물러서

Push them out, way out!

He's in a whole other place.
완전히 다른 곳에

Are you currently involved with anyone?

No, not at the moment.
지금 이순간은 아니야

It's hard enough to get women to go out with me.
~하기에 어려운

I'm gonna go check up on your friend.
검토하다, 조사하다

No, this is a loaner.
빌려온 것

The Knicks by 10.
10점 차이로

Where does that leave me?
나는 어디로 가?

I barely had enough pieces of parents to make one whole one.
거의 ~않다

The baby is at zero station.
양수가 터지면서 태아의 머리가 자궁 입구에 있는 단계

Somebody wanna help me, trying to rip out my heart.

Ok, got the vent open

There's about to be one more.
곧 한명이 더 추가가 될거야 (한 공간에 사람이 너무 많다는 문맥에서)

So anybody who's not an ex-husband or a lesbian life partner, out you go!
~가 아닌 사람

He's crowning.
태아의 머리가 나오다, 치아를 덮어쓰다, 꼭대기에 ~가 있다

We just cooked it up.
지어내다, 꾸미다, 생각해내다

That' what we were off doing.
자리를 비운, 떠난

I want you to know that there may be some times when I may not be around, like this.
주변에 없다

I will want you to steal third.

